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How Bad Are My Foundation Cracks?: Structural Vs. Non-Structural

large foundation cracks in brick

When cracks start appearing in your home’s foundation, it’s understandable to feel anxious about the potential consequences. Questions may flood your mind: Will these cracks lead to water intrusion? Could my home’s structure be compromised? What steps should I take to address this? Without clear answers, your concerns can significantly disturb your peace of mind.

Fortunately, not every crack signifies a dire need for professional foundation repair intervention. Minor cracks that do not threaten your home’s structural integrity are often not a cause for alarm. In the following sections, we’ll explore both structural and non-structural cracks, their causes, and their repair methods.

Non-Structural Cracks: Identifying and Addressing Minor Issues

wall cracks near window

You might notice thin, hairline cracks on the interior of your basement walls, particularly near doors or windows. Typically no wider than 3 mm, these cracks result from concrete’s natural settling and shrinkage and are relatively simple and inexpensive to repair.

Such cracks usually don’t immediately compromise your home’s structure. They can arise from internal stresses within the concrete slab, like those caused by shrinkage during the hardening process. Concrete loses water and shrinks as it hardens, leading to stress and, eventually, small cracks.

These cracks, which may extend from corners of rectangular openings or around embedded pipes, are often triggered by temperature changes, weather conditions, and moisture accumulation. It’s important to keep an eye on them, as what starts as a minor cosmetic issue could evolve into a structural problem if water begins to erode the concrete.

Most non-structural cracks can be effectively sealed with epoxy injections, which close the cracks and prevent future water leaks.

Structural Cracks: Recognizing Serious Foundation Damage

extensive ceiling cracks

Cracks wider than 1/8 inch (or 3mm) are classified as structural cracks and demand more attention. These can appear as horizontal, diagonal, or stair-step cracks, often mirroring patterns across the foundation. A bulging foundation accompanying these cracks signals a serious structural issue, typically caused by saturated soil, construction errors, or soil movement due to changes in moisture levels.

Such structural issues not only threaten your home’s stability but can also lead to poor indoor air quality, mold growth, and pest infestations.

Effective Solutions for Foundation Crack Repair

Upon noticing foundation cracks, it’s crucial to contact Foundation Support Specialists for an inspection. Determining the type of crack is the first step toward resolution. Simple non-structural cracks can usually be sealed with epoxy to prevent worsening and water intrusion.

Addressing structural cracks might involve more complex solutions, depending on the damage’s extent and foundation depth. Foundation repair solutions include:

Schedule Your Free Foundation Inspection with Foundation Support Specialists

Foundation Support Specialist CFI with leveling tool

Don’t let foundation cracks compromise the safety and value of your Texas home. Whether dealing with minor or significant foundation issues, Foundation Support Specialists offers a free, comprehensive inspection.

Our experts will assess your foundation and suggest the best solutions to secure your home’s stability. Contact us today for peace of mind and professional foundation repair services.


In some rare cases, it may be possible to work on foundation repairs and certain aspects of remodeling simultaneously. However, this depends on the nature of the foundation repair process and the type of remodeling work being done. It’s essential to consult with professionals to create a coordinated plan that ensures safety and efficiency.

While foundation repair is like to delay the start of your remodeling project, it is a necessary step to ensure your renovations last. The time required for foundation repairs varies depending on the extent of the damage and the repair method, but addressing these issues upfront will actually save time and money in the long run.

Absolutely. Installing push piers can halt further settlement of your foundation and potentially lift it back to its original position. This can effectively address issues like uneven floors and wall cracks, providing a more stable and safe living environment. You can discuss the specific issues faced by your building during the free consultation with our experts.

Phillip Mazzotta

Phillip Mazzotta

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